"ET \"Frenski – Hristo Petkov\" is a company, registered in 1993, with subject of activity – production of technical rubber, rubber-metal and plastic products.
Did you know?
The term \"caoutchouc\" comes from two words of language of Indians, living on the riverside of Amazonian river: \"caou\" - tree, \"tchou\" - cry, flow. Caoutchouc is a sap of Hevea tree, the first and the most important rubber source."
Rubber gaskets, Special rubber gaskets, rubber gaskets with different purpose, rings, membrane, K-gaskets
Rubber - metal products"); define("D40", "Shock absorbers for industrial and air conditioning equipment, Radial shaft seals, bandage wheels
System for quality management and System for environmental management, in accordance with the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 have been introduced in ET \"Frenski – Hristo Petkov\"since 2007. The standard ISO/TS 16949 was introduced in 2013.
Beneficiary: ЕТ “FRENSKI-Hristo Petkov”
Contract: BG16RFOP002-2.040-1047
Project:Increase of Production Capacity at ЕТ “FRENSKI-Hristo Petkov”
Objectives:Improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise and increase of its export potential in order to increase the competitiveness of ET “Frenski-Hristo Petkov” on the national and international market.
Results: The new equipment will allow expanding of production capacity, increasing and guaranteeing efficient serial production of components and parts intended for transport, which will give it a competitive advantage, being certified to meet the high requirements of the industry in Bulgaria.
Total amount: BGN 609 000, of which BGN 362 355 is European and BGN 63 945 is national cofinancing.
Contract: BG16RFOP002-2.001-0271-C01
Project: „Increase of Production Capacity at ЕТ “FRENSKI-Hristo Petkov”
Improving production processes; Increasing the production capacity; Diversification of the range; Improving resource efficiency and efficiency in the production process.
Results: Cost optimization and energy efficiency improvement; building technical capacity for the production of more complex products with higher added value.
Total amount: BGN 488,000, of which BGN 290,360 European and BGN 51,240. national co-financing.